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Press ReleaseSports

Spectators thrilled as 2021/2022 wrestling season opens amid razzmatazz contests ahead

The Gambia Wrestling Association informs all Stakeholders that the 2021-2022 Wrestling Season is declared open effective today Wednesday, 6th October, 2021.

In this vein, clubs (Wrestlers, Managers, Coaches and Promoters) can renew their licenses through the Gambia Wrestling Association GT Bank Account. Meanwhile, club forms can be collected from the GWA office. Clubs must collect, fill out and return their forms before being recognized as existing clubs.

Furthermore, wrestlers must also provide Medical Certificate which shows they are fit to practice the sport before they are issued with license.

1. Club License- D1, 000

2. Manager’s License- D300

3. Coach’s License- D300

4. Promoter’s License (Boxing- D5, 000 and Freestyle- D2, 500)

5. Wrestler’s License (Boxing- D500 and Freestyle- D250)

Account Number: 207405648110

While assuring all stakeholders of its continues commitment and dedication to the betterment of the sport, the Gambia Wrestling Association wishes everyone a successful 2021-2022 Wrestling Season.

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